Friday, April 12, 2013

April Showers...

Well, here we are in the middle of April.

The sun is shining, birds are singing, plants are growing, and . . . oh, wait, is that snow I see on the forecast?

Gotta love Wisconsin winters. This state can't make up it's mind about what type of weather it wants to have. This has to be one of the longest winters I can remember--or maybe I'm just being impatient . . . but I have to say, it's been frustrating having a complete lack of decent sunny spring weather. It has been cold and rainy for the past week. Everything is either muddy or half frozen still, snow is on the way, and I'm so ready for it to be over!

Its in times like this that I have to tell myself "patience if a virtue" and "don't worry it's going to warm up soon" almost everyday. You know, being patient is one thing I have always struggled with. I tend to get so caught up in looking ahead for things in life that I forget to slow down and appreciate the moment.

So, yeah, it's in the thirty-somethings outside; gray, rainy, and depressing. But I'm alive. This beautiful, messed up world is still spinning. And really, what's the point in complaining? I cant change the weather, so I might as well accept it for what it is and do some indoor stuff . . . like writing that essay I keep putting off.

1 comment:

  1. :-) We got five and a half inches of snow last night, and we may get six more tonight. It's still very much winter here. God makes all things beautiful in His time.
